Press release

Checking for color nuances

di-soric's new color sensor detects the finest differences in colors

The FSB10 white-light color sensor from di-soric reliably detects barely visible color nuances in automated systems. The single-channel color sensor has impressively short activation and response times for quality and presence checks. Thanks to an intuitive multi-teach mode, users can easily configure the sensor by pressing buttons, without needing to be an expert. Its compact design and optical-fiber connector make it suitable for use even where space is at a minimum.

The evaluation procedure of the FSB10 has colorimetric properties comparable to those of the human eye. Short response times of 0.5 ms allow for the presence of colored objects and their quality to be monitored during automated processes. The sensor compares the color of components to a specified teach value and thereby enables parts with a different color to be culled. In other cases, the presence of a color determines what the next process step will be. By using optional focus optics, the new FSB10 color sensor achieves ranges of up to 60 mm. Diverse fields of application are to be found in many areas of the automotive, electrical, packaging, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.

The compact white-light color sensor, surrounded by a rugged metal housing (protection class IP 67), has an LED status indicator, keylock function and high ambient light immunity. Even users who do not have in-depth knowledge in the area of color sensors can easily configure and operate the single-channel sensor and its fiber-optic cables. The teach-in process is carried out using either defined tolerance thresholds or an intuitive multi-teach mode. This entails specifying either a fixed value or a tolerance range in 5 steps. For multi-teach, the system automatically determines the optimum tolerance range through teaching in several different color samples. The correct color is signaled by a switching output. Measuring only 41 x 41 x 14 mm and having an M 18 optical-fiber connector, the white-light color sensor is extremely compact and even fits into cramped installation situations.